Municipal Inchoate Certificates
Municipal Inchoate Certificates
1.All flow data are shown in cubic feet per second. Streamflow data are from the following stations – (1) Ferndale, (7) Monroe, (8) Renton, (9) Auburn, (10) at Puyallup, (12) Steilacoom, (17) at Quilcene, (18) at Dungeness, (32) Touchet, (35) Ice Harbor Dam, (37) Kiona, (38) North Yakima, (39) Umtanum, (45) Monitor, (48) Winthrop, (49) Malott. The period of record for these stations varies.
2.Summer flows are the lowest median flow between July 15 and August 15 (also shown as MSS). This represents the peak period of water consumption for municipal water rights. Low flows are the lowest median flow in the period of record (also shown as MSL). The symbol “IF” represents the applicable streamflow specified in the adopted instream flow rule.
3.Qi – instantaneous quantity.
4.Permits and claims were not included, as they are not affected by the proposed legislation. Primary and supplemental rights were not distinguished in the totals. The certificates listed below were excluded from the totals. (A list of certificates excluded from the totals is available on request.)
•surface water rights with a Qi less than 2 cfs
•ground water rights with a Qi less than 1 cfs
•identical duplicates in the database
•irrigation certificates
•hatchery certificates
•trust water rights
•hydropower certificates
•industrial certificates with less than 15 hookups
•reservoir certificates
•rights directly connected to Puget Sound or Columbia River mainstem
•drought certificates
5.Inchoate certificates are rights that were authorized but have never been put to use. (They do not include rights previously put to use, but not currently exercised.) The inchoate estimate is based on actual data from the largest utilities in each basin. For smaller and medium sized utilities, a rough estimate of 50% inchoate was used for Western Washington, and 0% inchoate was used for Eastern Washington.
6.The above analysis is focused on water use at the basin scale, and the possible effects on mainstem rivers. It does not address the relationship between water use and streamflows in tributaries to the basin mainstem rivers.
March 3, 2003
Municipal Inchoate Certificates in the 16 salmon critical basins