On Washington State’s list for new dams, Hawk Creek is number two.  Costing taxpayers $8 Billion, the Hawk Creek Dam would flood a lovely canyon where people make their homes and farm.  Hawk Creek is also home to wildlife.  The area below Hawk Creek waterfalls is a breeding site for kokanee salmon and rainbow trout for Lake Roosevelt. 

(above photos:  boy with fish, Lake Roosevelt Forum; others, John Osborn]

  Center for

  Environmental Law & Policy

CELP’s Water Programs

•  Restoring Rivers
•  Water Rights
•  Columbia Watershed
•  Governmental Affairs
•  Water Future

Hawk Creek Dam 

  flooding fish and wildlife habitat - private property
  unmasking Washington’s failing water policy
  to see Washington’s top pick for a new dam, click here.

Actions Needed:

Contact your legislators and tell them to stop funding studies for new dams in Washington State.  Tell them that Hawk Creek must not be destroyed by a dam.
 Contact us and we’ll provide a presentation to your community.
To contribute to our work to stop new dams and reform water policy, click here.mailto:info@celp.org?subject=Crab%20Creek%20Damhttp://www.celp.org/water/celpjoin/Membership.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0shapeimage_4_link_1




(excerpts below and maps from Washington State Dept of Ecology and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Appraisal Evaluation of Columbia River Mainstem Off-Channel Storage Options, May 2007.  Click here for Ecology’s webpage.)

“ The Hawk Creek Dam and Reservoir site is located on Hawk Creek, near Lake Roosevelt on the Columbia River.  The Hawk Creek Dam and Reservoir site would be approximately 4,000 feet wide at the proposed dam site and extend approximately 3 miles to the north along Snook Creek, approximately 6 miles east along Indian Creek, and approximately 10 miles south along Hawk Creek.

“Elevation ranges from 1400 feet near the proposed dam site to approximately 2,500 feet at the eastern portion of the drainage basin.  The project would include a lake tap from Lake Roosevelt, a supply tunnel system, a pumping plant and separate pump/turbine facility, additional fill/release tunnels, a smaller rockfill dam creating a forebay, power transmission facilities, and a large rockfill dam providing the off-channel storage that is the focus of this project.”
